Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractors focus on the source of pain, not the symptoms and adjustments are applied to areas of reduced mobility in either the spine or the extremities. An adjustment restores normal movement to the joints, reduces muscle spasm and relieves pressure on the surrounding nerves. During an adjustment, it is normal to hear a cracking noise which is a release of air from within the joint.

Immediate effects that can be felt after an adjustment:

  • Increased joint mobility and range of motion
  • Decreased localized inflammation associated with joint stasis
  • Decreased localized nerve irritation associated with inflammation
  • Decreased pain associated with localized nerve irritation and muscle spasm

Overall, adjustments improve joint motion, which decreases inflammation in the area.

Car accidents, stress, work-related injuries, sports injuries, poor posture, improper lifting or sprains can cause back problems.

Symptoms of a back or joint problem can include:

  • Leg pain with numbness, tingling, and/or weakness
  • Back pain when coughing or sneezing
  • Difficulty standing up after sitting for any period of time
  • Stiffness in the morning that decreases once you move around
  • Pain in your hip, buttock, thigh, knee or foot
  • Unable to bend or turn to each side equally
  • Unbalanced or poor posture
  • Pain while sleeping or in the morning
  • Pain that persists or worsens after 48 hours
  • Pain, stiffness and reduced mobility or range of motion

The vertebra in the back are connected by cartilage discs. When everything is working together, your spine is in-line, strong and flexible. However, after the stress of daily living or an accident or injury has occurred, small joints between the vertebra can become restricted in their movement or “out of line”. This can cause pain by putting pressure on the different joints and nerves along the spinal column.

There are four levels of care that Chiropractors provide:

Initial Intensive Care

  • Pain and other symptoms bring most patients to the chiropractor and the first thing they want is to feel better. During this phase, your visits are more frequent and aimed at stabilizing and improving the movement of your spine, as we eliminate your symptoms.

Rehabilitation Phase

  • After your symptoms have improved we concentrate on restoring the joints, muscles, and ligaments to the best possible state so that you gain maximum function and health. Rehabilitative care aims to achieve complete healing, not just pain relief. Your visits will be less frequent and we will introduce exercise and other self-care to aid your recovery.

Maintenance Care

  • Treatment in this stage is aimed at preventing a chronic condition from reoccurring or the arousal of new symptoms.

Wellness Care

  • Are you looking for wellness care? Most people are raised to believe that we are sick because we have symptoms. Have you ever considered sickness without symptoms? There is a growing number of people that are starting to visit doctors while they feel like they are completely healthy. This decision is starting to become more appealing because more and more people want to be and feel their best.
  • Have you ever called into work or called a child off of school due to nausea or a fever? Most of us have learned to associate having an illness with apparent symptoms. Research is starting to show us that many of the illnesses society suffers from are directly related to decisions we are making in our lives. These decisions may affect our bodies and produce problems that do not have, what we consider to be apparent symptoms.
  • The Body Reactions – Our body does not just react to unhealthy choices, but it also reacts to healthy choices. If a person eats something that has not been cooked properly then that person will most likely find themselves getting physically ill. Getting ill and vomiting is not something that we like to experience, but we know that it is the body’s way of helping us stay healthy. The body having such a response is healthy and is proof of the body functioning properly. Health can be defined as the body functioning properly rather than just feeling good.
  • Master Control Center – Everything that occurs in our body throughout the day would not be possible without our nervous system. We can help you detect problems before it develops into a more serious issue as well as help you on your way to wellness.


To assess the level of care, the Chiropractor may perform some of the following tests:

  • A thorough case history on what is affecting you
  • Analysis of your posture and ranges of motion
  • A test of your muscle strength, flexibility, and coordination
  • Orthopedic tests to help determine your diagnosis
  • A neurological exam including reflexes, sensory tests, and cranial nerves
  • Analysis of your movement (like walking and how you lift things)

This comprehensive examination will give the chiropractor a clear picture of your overall health and of your condition. You will be given a diagnosis of your condition, what therapies are recommended to correct it, what you can do at home to speed your recovery and how long it is estimated to return to pre-accident status.

Are you in pain? You don’t have to be. Contact the Lavallee Centre for an appointment.

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