
Mindfulness is the act of intentionally paying attention to the present moment in the absence of judgment. It is a skill set that requires continuous practice, like going to the gym for your brain. Over time the skills become second nature and are applied as an intervention in stressful moments, enabling the practitioner to respond to life rather than react to it. At the Lavallee Health Centre, we offer an eight-week Mindfulness for Stress Management Program with a certified teacher from the Ottawa Mindfulness Clinic.

Developing a mindfulness is ideal for anyone who experiences any type of stress, from everyday nuisances to chronic mental illness. The aim of the practice is to assist the client to recognize when they are stuck in thoughts of the past or caught up in planning the future.

The act of intentionally bringing the attention to the present moment both resets the physiology of the body in addition to quieting the mind. Once in the present moment, the client is able to access skills to decide how to respond to the stressful situation. A well established mindfulness practice has many physical and mental benefits such as:

  • being as effective as antidepressant medications for clients suffering from depression
  • being as effective as morphine in clients suffering from chronic pain
  • being as effective as anti-anxiety medications for clients suffering from anxiety
  • increasing emotional intelligence (EQ)
  • increasing intelligence quotient (IQ)
  • decreasing blood pressure

A well-rounded mindfulness practice encompasses both formal and informal skills. Meditation is a formal practice used to assist the client in developing concentration and focus, thus building resilience. Informal practices assist the practitioner to recognize moments when the mind is not in the present moment and act as a reset button. They assist the client to be aware of the body, sensations, emotions, thoughts and establish a connection with the breath.

Mindfulness Is Not For Everyone

Mindfulness is not recommended for clients with unresolved or undiagnosed conditions such as psychosis, severe depression, bi-polar episodes, addictions or trauma. All clients must have an initial assessment with our mindfulness facilitator prior to starting any mindfulness training. One-on-one mindfulness may also be an option for some clients.

It is recommended that clients register for the eight-week program to receive the maximum benefits from this treatment.

To book a mindfulness session, call 613-635-7026.

Meet Your Practitioner



I love food and everything about it! Creating, cooking, preparing, smelling, savouring and of course eating; so it was only natural I chose a profession based in food. My fascination of food drew me to the study of nutrition, but it is the healing properties that continues to drive my passion.

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